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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Update update

Ok I know a lot of my post recently are titled "updates". Cause I can't figure out a nice name for title ma. As I am such a responsible author, I make sure I update so u all wun die of boredom ma right? *winks for perasanness* I know you love my blog. x)

Anyway, I got my first pay check on Tuesday. Not much to brag about compared to other people's. xD As long I am satisfied then its fine. *NO! How can people be satisfied with money!!?? You got 100 you want 1k, you got 1k you want 10k, it will NEVER be enough la! xD* haha.

And I was elected for English class rep early in the year, but now, suddenly my computer lecturer ask for my contact. So here's some funny convo between my lecturer and my friends (before the class starts la) L: Lecturer, KB: me duh, WY: Wen Yi

L: Kai Boon can you give me your number, and your email?
KB: huh? okay......for?
WY: She wants to date you.
L: yea I want to date him. AS IF *sacarsm again*
Some people: woohoo! Kai Boon so popular ar.
L: (Laughing) Actually I wanted to choose you as the class rep. Can you do it?
KB: (swting) okay....but I am already the English class rep.
WY: Aiya nvm la 2 class only ma.
L: Class rep nothing much la, just when the admin want to see the class rep, complain no electric la, complain table spoil la, these only la.
KB: Ok la. (Since I have to go listen ANYWAY, 1 class or 2 class also same aje la)

That's not the funny part. FYI I have 8 classmates who have the SAME timetable as mine except for Study Skills (which is only 1 class out of the whole week)
Then we had Maths. And at the end of the lecture, he asked the same thing again. Then that 8 ppl just dui me out only. O_O Now I am class rep for 3 subjects. O.O

Ok cut the crap. Class rep is fun. Today we had evaluation for all subject lecturers. I can see the people's evaluation. xP

And yea. Today I got the result for my Maths and Computing Quiz. I scored 20 marks for Maths Quiz. x) But I scored 18 for Computing. And my computing lecturer was like I expect 20/20 for you one ah Kai Boon. (swt) I know the mistake I made is damn stupid. cause I din study that part. I only studied like...2/3 in front, and 1/3 no time. Ya blame me, procrastination. But 18 quite ok for ppl who studied only in the morning la. And our class got one computer genius who 20/20, which I am not surprise. That guy is so computer-engineer-wannabe-ish. Oh well...18 marks contributes 4.5% to my finals...and he gets 5% for his finals...study like mad cow only get 0.5% difference meh? dun1! I study smart! 8D *Crap...got influenced by Klex to use his daib emoticon d*

Ok. What else you wanna know? x) I am busy man yo! So bye bye for now. =P

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