Spend some time, Stalk my life!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Okay I know I've abandoned the blog for such a long time, because recently whatever that happens do not have much worth of blogging.

And yes, that was an excuse. I can blog/crap/shit whatever I like if I have


I've been in a bad mood lately. Thinking too much sucks. But I just can't stop thinking.

How greedy I am to always ask for more.
How undeserving I am to actually have this much, but yet I still want more from you.
How selfish I am to always think of what I want, but never think of how much I can give.
How self-centered I am to always think of me before others.

I wanted to be a better person! I always try to give, but in the end, the giving is not from the bottom of my heart, I am only giving because "I feel that giving more can make me a better person that's why I am giving". I am not giving for the welfare of the others, but giving because that reduces my guilt. In the end, I am still giving due to my selfishness.

Am I really willing to give a helping hand? Or am I only giving because that makes me feel better?

In the end

I dont even know who I am anymore.

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