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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Busy Busy Busy ><

Right. Getting extremely tired these days. But, homework load is still not here yet. Damn la...what if the homework start coming...???

I haven't done form5 notes. Finished form4. At first really wanna finish everything myself de lo, cause this time is my turn ma. Now no choice la, have to ask Kok Kin help me choose n scan exercise d. x(

Well, All of the sudden there's an event organizing meeting on this Friday. FYI I am in probation for the Student Council, HMC Leads committee. I didnt know that! I thought I applied for Matr!cs photographer, now it became, HEAD of photographer of HMC Leads kind of thing. I knew I would be busy, so I didnt apply for those position thingy...BUT heck. -.-

Now I need to finsih the notes ASAP. My Friday is gone, so I need to finish on Sat ASAP! And hopefully I have enough notes for Saturday class, or else I have to go print them again...and die. no time.

Anyway, update you on my Computing Principle lecturer. Damn funny wei! "64MB RAM used to be very fast, good. But now, it's unbearably slow. Well, that's what the textbook says la. Actually, not unbearably slow la okay, it's UNHEARD OF!!!!!" LOL LMAO. xD

And today she kenakan me. -.- She said she's gonig to call student to come out to answer the question on board one by one. And first one she call me. I think she purposely search for my name. Cause she interviewed me (It's a group actually, but she sat in front of me and keep asking me questions) yesterday for the HMC Leads interview. PURPOSELY ONE! Lucky I can answer. xD

Okay, let's see. Friends that I am getting closer with, like can start crapping those kind --- Neekita, Wen Yi, Klex. Oh lol, so few of them only ar? xD Okay lo...I am not like those...super outgoing guy also. Free time oso busy with laptop doing notes nia, except for lunch. Others still ok ok one ar, Tristan, Marie, Yvonne. Haha...damn few leh...shit...xD

But you know what? I was super talkative during Study Skills today. Cause got same frequency people kacau the class with me today! Like, Shiau Ling, Klex and I (More like both of the guys) are crapping none stop with the hot lecturer. Like...sometimes u dun wanna kacau the teachers, cause later only you yourself macam damn lame de lo. But got people kacau together is very fun one. haha. *FYI, Kai Boon was such a good student that he NEVER kacau any teacher in class during high school before*

Okay, that's all for today. Yes class! *oops...reminds me of Pn.Shanti* Okay la, bye bye for now. x)

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