Spend some time, Stalk my life!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Lately Anwar declared his 916 PM plan, but failed.

Now they said the opposition gave interesting offer to the BN members who are willing to hop over. If what's reported is true, what makes them different from BN?

We wanted a change, because we lost confidence in BN for some issues. But if the opposition are doing this just to flip the table over, what makes them different? Are they that eager to make themselves the "ruler" of the country?

Makes me wonder.

PS: I aint supporting any side

1 comment:

  1. Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim berjaya memperolehi 42 kerusi tambahan;

    18 kerusi dari IKEA,

    14 kerusi dari Courts Mammoth,

    10 kerusi dari Fella Design.

    Sekarang cuma meja pula kurang!
