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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tagged by SuTeng

The last person to tag you is?
Su Teng, as the title suggest (too lazy to flip back to the previous one xD)

What relationship of you with him/her?
close-enough-to-share-secrets friend? xD

Your 5 impression towards him/her.
a) Hyper!
b) Talks fast
c) Has good sense of humour
d) Strong in English
e) She plays guitar well. *envy* =X

The most memorable thing that he/she had done for you.
Asks me as the first one to be out from the class for spotcheck when we need more people when others dont really want to involve me. *touched*

The most memorable thing that he/she has say to you.
Just be yourself. =]

If he/she becomes your lover, you will..
sayang her? xD She's a nice girl, but I don't think we will be together. haha!

If he/she becomes your enemy, you will..
*bish* (gives a punch on the question) dont think it will happen

If he/she becomes your lover , he/she has to improve on..
talk slower. haha. but like stated above, not really seem to be possible.

If he/she becomes your enemy , the reason is...
My fault. X_X

The most desirable things to you to do to him/her
Thank her non-stop? lol

The overall impression to he/her is
Really really really humerous and sensible girl.

How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
Ask them. but most probably very hate-able. But not to those who really knows who I am.

The character for you for yourself is?
Stirct. -.-

On the contrary , the thing you hate about yourself is?
Being strict. >.>

The most ideal person you want to be is?
Carefree! (that sounds good)

For the person who cares and likes you, say something about them.
hmm...thank you for all the support all the times. Love ya all! You rock!

Ten people to tag-
1. Rou Ann the Duck
2. Cheng Chun the Tiger!
3. Su Lynn the Crow
4. Choon Lim the Bobo
5. Li Shawn the Barney
6. Erny!
Haih no more people la, others Becca and SuTeng all tagged d! >.< I dont care I am repeating!
7. Lie Yang the Syoking Brother
8. Sui Lun the Flying Monk
9. Jin Yee the Kerobob
10. Lily the John

Who is no.2 having relationship with?
erm...Thai Girl? (tiger rhymes with thai girl) xD

Is no.3 a female or a male?
"Hey Crow someone is asking if you are a female or a male?"

If no.7 and no.10 be together would it be a good thing?
Hmm Lie Yang and Lily...? OF COURSE!!!!!....Not...I will see both of them either super emo or super funny lol.

How about no.5 and 8?
woo...Li Shawn and Sui Lun...LS and SL...awww....aren't they meant to be a pair? so sweet....but...TOO BAD THEY ARE BOTH GUYS!!!! (unless they don't mind to be gays)

What is number 1 studying for?
Hmm...How to swim better in pond I bet. I mean....what else does a duck need to study for?

When was the last time you have chat with them?
All different la, ranging from 1 month to few hours ago xD

Is number 4 a single?
Bobo ar....Bobo can't come in single, unless it is a retarded bobo. (I mean, have you ever seen someone with only one side of their boobs?)

Talk something about no.2.
Tiger ar? RAWWWRRRRR!!!!!! xD

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