Gosh, another last thing in my secondary school life. Teachers' Day. Oh well...I am not a teacher anyway. So basically it is the last year of me dutying on Teachers' Day. Miss oso miss duty, not miss event. haha.
So prefects are suppose to do the opening ceremony this year. It worked out pretty well at the end it seems. But the process I no eye see la. Not that the Form4s are doing badly, they just need some hinting and advices at some time but sadly the supervisor for the whole thing was not good enough or maybe not even bothered to do so. Basically that pissed me off and I just ignored the whole preparation. Sorry to the Form4s. I am definitely NOT against any of your ideas. The reason I wasn't contributing was because of some CERTAIN ppl.
About the part that we are suppose to duty. In fact I was REALLY HAPPY that I get to do it. Well, I cant, or should I say dont want to contribute to the opening ceremony, so what I can do for you guys is to duty. I still think that prefects speciallizing in duty is way much better than us speciallizing in organizing events. If you get good supervisor AND organizors, I repeat, AND, you need BOTH of them, either side being good only is not enough, of course it is fine with me. But seeing our board...you know...we lack those ppl. So why doing something, which is our side task and did so well, yet our duty, which has always been, and will always be, our main task, but being neglected and performed so badly in it?
Anyway. Back to Teachers' Day. I duty today. At first prefects were unhappy, and still unhappy until the end of the day, that we have to duty. Despite the briefing says:
1. Morning 10 ppl usher, others give out cupcakes and roll the red carpet and stuff.
2. Stand around the tapak and HELP the cadets to control the situation.
3. Perform RECESS DUTY according to the Firday duty list.
It seems that we only did part 1, which is NOT SO MUCH on controlling discipline other than the 10 ppl.
See the irony? Prefects who should control discipline of the school ended up NOT doing what they are suppose to. Which is why I always say that prefects no longer know what are they doing anymore.
I thank the 9 other prefects who helped the ushering. They did very very well, and helped the cadets. I received positive feedbacks for the 10 usherers.
Kudos to:
1. Andrew Lai
2. Yvonne Lo
3. Cheah Shu-Li
4. Soh Chang Yi
5. Amy Kok
6. Phung Cheng Shyong
7. Chong Jia Jie
8. Chan Zhi Wei
9. Saw Kai XuanAnd I need to thank the other volunteers who helped when situation seems bad. That still shows you all are TRUE prefects. Kudos to:
1. Wong Shi Yi
2. Liew Shu Min
3. Kwan Zhi Cheng
4. Thong Yi Kun
5. Ho King Zen
6. Loo Juosie
7. Those who helped but wasn't noticed
And my Disciplinary Dpt colleagues and plus a Becca who willing to bother to Ronda the school compound and check out the Sports Centre.
Recess was quite chaotic, with the way Mr. Michael wants it. Well, no experience in doing. Cant be blamed. Can only blame him for not taking ppl's advices. But need to thank him. I think after today ppl will compare prefects to Michael and appreciate the way prefects carry out our duties. We are WAY MORE REASONABLE AND SENSIBLE when doing our duties. We REASON, not FORCE
Like Michael did After recess, was truly DISAPPOINTED with duties. Received so many negative feedbacks from KRS. Saying afternoon session prefects very bad attitude. There is a cadet who asked prefects to help, and two of the prefects actually ignored the presence of the cadet and say:"lets talk somewhere else" And then cadets complained prefects actually told them "Good Luck" in a very sacarstic way. And then cadets complained that prefects waved to them from far and asked the cadets to their side and ask them to carry the students' bag when the prefects are only beside the students.
Gosh so damn paiseh. I dunno the real situation. I nvr expect afternoon session prefects to be this bad. Of course I only hear one side of story, but a few different cadets told me the same thing, quite hard for me not to believe. I tried to find the afternoon session Top5 to understand the situation, and guess what? I only found Hui Xin and Kai Qian. I know Ming Zhao has duty for PBC. And guess where I found the other 2? In the hall, enjoying aircond, watching CHS Idol, when they SHOULD be at the Sports Centre WITH THEIR SUBORDINATES. And when I questioned one of them where were you just now? He replied:" aiya in the hall la" in a rather rude manner, and when I asked why in the hall, he ignored and continue walking. Dot dot dot...DISAPPOINTED! Siang was beside me. Damn paiseh.
No matter what, still there are some Form2s who did very well and helped out. Sorry I dont know all of you, I only rmb Wei Han, Kai Qian, Hui Xin, Wan Li. XD paiseh. And I was disappointed enough that only Shu Han came down to Sports Centre and helped, and the other prefects stayed in the hall and watched Idol.
I know all last minute know duty very not shuang. But hey, one thing that Michael says was very right. "Prefects are suppose to duty" At first I oso not happy, but after he say that, I agree. I join the board with the concious that I am going to serve the school. If you neglected this, with whatever reason like tired or none of my business, you failed as a prefect. Even you passed the written test, you know all the concepts, you FAILED to put them into action. And I wanted to highlight this one guy, who held a post, but when everyone was busy ushering afternoon session to the canteen and Form3s down to tapak before the Teachers' Game start, this guy nvr bothered to come and coordinate, but sat in Prefects' Room playing rubics cube. So much of setting example.
I ran around the school today. I was tired. But I was happy. I did WHAT A PREFECT SHOULD. And get to work with other uniform bodies in HANDLING DISCIPLINE is a all new experience and FUN! I mean, working together in other areas are normal, but DISCIPLINE are always prefects' speciallized job, nobody are involved in that field. Kudos to cadets! They did exceptionally well. Even though it was their first time, they put in their efforts. They were SERIOUS about their duty. Their loyalty towards the cadet is nothing the Prefects can compare with. Grats to Siang and Lun! A job well done!
Oh yea, to highlight one part. I finally get to see Sui Lun's ganas side. Wah damn ganas one lo this guy. Go scolded someone. I wonder who were the pity victims? xD And he banyak man lo, so protective when his cadets are bullied by *erhem paiseh*
And I want to apologize to all cadets on behalf of the Prefects if any of them offended you guys. They just did not understand the reason why the plan was changed that they have to duty so last minute without any proper briefing of the duty. Sorry especially to KRS. See you all keep complaining to me I also paiseh. Memang sorry.